I've never blogged before, but I've always wanted to give it a try. People always seem so interesting and witty in their blogs; I guess my fear is I'll be neither. Oh well. Here goes nothin'....
I was so inspired by my friend Nata-Leigh's blog that I decided to start my own right after reading hers for the first time. I promise I'll try and keep up with this (I know I haven't done so well with the blog on my website). But if I slip a little it's probably because I'm super busy chasing after two 15 month old toddlers all week, working my web design gig with my big sis (Lisa), and keeping my house tidy and my family fed. Whew! I'm feeling tired just thinking about all of it!
Anyway if you decide to read my blog...great! If not I understand. I just hope it won't be too boring!
Where did 10 years go?
3 days ago
YAAA! I love blogs. I feel like sometimes I get to know people better through their blogs ... perhaps people are too censored in person!
Hey Jen, thanks for changing the settings so I can comment.
I'm so glad you were inspired by your friend's blog, you're going to do a GREAT job with this. I will definately make your blog a daily read :)
Hey Jen, if you have a few minutes, I have another good friend who writes a blog too, "Working Mom Tells All." Chck it out if you want :)
Hi sis
Time to read another genre! Love the King but he does need a breather, starts to get a bit dark after the third read in a row!
Walk toward the light....come on, you can do it.
Try some Evanovich for a belly laugh, Kingsolver for more of a poetic read (I'm in the middle of Animal, Mineral, Miracle by Kingsolver) she has a witty style, kinda punchy.
Then when you're ready to bow to the King again, Duma Key is fantastic!
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